Which services do we provide?

Strategic, aim:

  • Support IT-innovations based on control information
  • Support with the development of a governance-model
  • Advise on transitions to better use of IT-for-IT
  • Advise on better connection of business processes to IT-processes
  • Advise on internal cultural (IT-)changes and education
  • Advise and consulting on IT-Security strategy
  • Sparring partner for IT management and business stakeholders is different business areas

Tactical, structure:

  • Support at (IT) process setup and/or optimization, advice and setup of governance models and behavior, chase self-empowerment
  • Advise and consultancy on simplifying IT-Operations, service integration and system integration through high-level design
  • Project orchestration during improvement of the control information between business and IT-services and third parties. Implement and improve their interfaces
  • Develop a roadmap for chain monitoring infrastructure, service processes and business processes
  • Support creating a RFI and evaluate the RFP
  • Draft the aimed contract and project management during the implementation phase. Setup the maintenance of the interface between business and IT-services and third parties
  • Secure change processes during the development of a roadmap for business and IT

Operational, perform:

  • Execute project management and (support for) the technical implementation of different software solutions that lead to better control information for the IT Operations. The emphasis here lies on the adaptation of solutions for the correct control information and not on the tool as the holy grail. During implementation we use the “teach-the-teacher” principle, eliminating ourselves in the end by structuredly transferring our knowledge and experience.
  • Embedding the Monitoring, Alerting, Reporting, Dashboarding (MARD) principle
  • Implementation and consultancy on IT-Security from a strategic perspective, i.e. whether the execution should take place in-house or by a third party
  • MARD for Security, CISO/DPO dashboards specific role based solutions
  • Deliver efficient and effective IT-Operations/security software solutions including the implementation with our human skills. Success is partially dependent on the (sticking) adoption by people. We integrate the chosen solutions with the already good implemented solutions
  • Execute or out-place managed services activities because infrastructure becomes more and more a commodity
  • Deliver saving proposals on software licenses
  • Advise about and implement Performance management and End User Experience
  • Implementation a roadmap for Chain monitoring infrastructure, Service processes and Business processes
  • Implementation and improvement of an IT management organization, Governance, XLA, SLA, DAP and OLA’s, the internal or external interfaces, by formalizing agreements
  • Request or evaluate different kinds of tenders

Our Customers

In the health sector: several hospitals, financial institutions, in the education sector: several universities, ICT-companies, Managed Service Providers, government institutions like several municipalities, companies in the food and tech industry, retail companies.
